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Region II – Coastal Region

The Coastal region offers many ways for large and small Water/Wastewater Agencies to find assistance during emergency response as well as get involved in helping to prepare the region for local emergencies and major disasters. This page highlights only a few of the primary initiatives where Region II CalWARN Members are involved.

This page and its content are voluntarily maintained by the Coastal Region members of CalWARN.  

Incident Reporting: R2.REOC2@gmail.com

Coastal Region Chair 1: Paul Gilbert-Snyder

East Bay Municipal Utility District

P: 510.287.0432  

E: paul.gilbert-snyder@ebmud.com


Coastal Region Chair 2: Steven Hancock

Sonoma County Water Agency

P: 707.292.1195

E: steven.hancock@scwa.ca.gov



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BAESIC Program
The Bay Area Emergency and Security Information Collective (BAESIC) Committee has primary membership of the eight largest water agencies in the Bay Area and generally meets semi-monthly or as scheduled. Any water or wastewater agency can attend the sessions and you can contact any of the primary points of contact to find the best meeting to attend.








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