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CalWARN has started an effort with CDPH and DDW on mapping all potable water system boundaries. The effect of this effort is to map all systems and incorporate this mapping into CalWARNs member and incident mapping. To learn more about this mapping effort, contact your DDW engineer or CalWARN regional Chair/Vice Chair. You can get more information on the Initiatives page.
The CalWARN Mission: The mission of the California Water/Wastewater Agency
Response Network (CalWARN) is to support and promote statewide emergency
preparedness, disaster response, and mutual assistance processes for public
and private water and wastewater utilities. This new CalWARN Web Portal
expands Signatory Utility’s ability to achieve agency, regional and state
preparedness by providing new tools and proven practices that can enhance
readiness while providing daily value to your organization and customers.
The CalWARN Program provides its member utilities with: · A standard omnibus mutual assistance agreement and process for sharing emergency resources among Signatories statewide. · The resources to respond and recover more quickly from a disaster. · A mutual assistance program consistent with other statewide mutual aid programs and the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) and the National Incident Management System (NIMS). · A forum for developing and maintaining emergency contacts and relationships. · New ideas from lessons learned in disasters.
CalWARN REGISTRATION Already a Signatory Utility? We need YOU to fill out our CalWARN Registry!
To leverage the CalWARN Portal and to be able to provide Rapid Notification to our Signatory Utilities, we are collecting more complete information from Signatory Utilities and using the added information, in conjunction with the expanded capabilities in the CalWARN Portal, to improve communications among Signatory Utilities. (For those of you who remember the old CalWARN Resource Registry, it is being discontinued.) Please Email your Region Chair below to request a registration link for your Utility.
Not sure your Utility is a Signatory?
Click on the Region Map to the right to see our Signatory Utility list by Region and County! So, are you a Signatory? GREAT! Please join the CalWARN Registry. Not a Signatory yet? Please JOIN! See information on how to become a Signatory to the right.
Not a Signatory? JOIN us!
See information on the CalWARN Articles of Agreement, Signature Page and submitting your contact information! CONFUSED? Just EMAIL the State Steering Committee Chairs for your Region and we will walk you through it!
Join the CalWARN Mutual Aid & Assistance Program 1. Review this Web portal.
2. Review the Articles of Agreement that have been posted here.
3. Contact your CalWARN Regional Representative with any questions.
4. Fill out the Signature Page (appropriate signing authority) and Contact List; before emailing both to CalWARN.
5. Scan and click here to email the Signature Page and Contact Form to the CalWARN Steering Committee Chair.
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Reg I « Reg II « Reg III « Reg IV « Reg V « Reg VI Click Region Names for More Info
* * * * * The technologies available on this site are offered by the Alliance for Community Solutions (ACS) a National Non-Profit Partnership offering technologies and proven practices to all communities. * * * * *
Mission: Representatives (signers of the CalWARN agreement) of public and private water and wastewater utilities in each region establish a steering committee comprised of volunteers from member utilities within the region. A chair is elected by the committee to act as administrator for that region and serve on the statewide steering committee, which also elects a chair. The regional steering committee organizes an annual meeting for signatory utilities to address concerns and procedures related to mutual assistance and emergency preparedness. At least annually, each regional chair provides member utilities an updated list of emergency contacts and a data base of available equipment. This Web site assists with this task. Additionally, the statewide steering committee meets annually to address mutual assistance concerns. The Statewide Steering Committee consists of CalWARN regional chairs, the Executive Director of the California Utilities Emergency Association (CUEA), representatives from the California Department of Public Health Drinking Water Program (CDPH-DWP), the Department of Water Resources (DWR), the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Security & Emergency Planning Committee, the California Rural Water Association and the California Sanitation Risk Management Authority.
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The technologies available in this dashboard are provided to participating government, public sector, public service, public safety and non-profit organization through The Alliance for Community Solutions (ACS). To find out more about i-INFO Solutions or the other communities, click here. |