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There are several current and planned initiatives either in-work or under consideration to enhance the benefits of membership with CalWARN. Some of these projects are highlighted in the section below and include both items that provide both emergency and daily use benefits. CalWARN has started an effort with CDPH and DDW on mapping all potable water system boundaries in the State: · The effect of this effort is to map all systems and incorporate this mapping into CalWARNs member and incident mapping. To learn more about this mapping effort, contact you DDW engineer or CalWARN regional Chair/Vice Chair. · This link will take you to the start page to get your system mapped (your district engineer can help): http://cehtp.org/water/ · This link will take you to the “Map Viewer”; which allows you to see all currently mapped water systems: http://cehtp.org/water/map_viewer o Get your system mapped today! When disaster strikes…you will needed.
Our Ongoing Mission…Increase Membership: · It cost nothing to join CalWARN, so if you have not joined CalWARN, we encourage you to learn more about our new and improved programs and services and join hundreds of fellow water/wastewater agencies to work together in being better prepared.
Upgrades to the CalWARN Web Portal: · We are busy working in improving the functionality of the Web Portal and would like you input. Go to contacts and send any suggestions to the Chair of Vice Chair for your region.
Fill all Chair and Vice Chair Positions: · CalWARN relies on the volunteer efforts of its members to complete its mission. o Connecting with the top Water System Emergency Managers in the state. o Input into steering the organizations efforts in the direction that best benefit your organization. o Lead the efforts that most affect…and assist…the utilities in your County and Region. · What it requires: o 1.5 hours on a conference call each month o 2 CalWARN in person meetings that coincide with the Ca/NV AWWA Conferences in the Spring and Fall – Suggested, but not required. This is our chance to meet face to face and work on projects, trainings and exercises that meet the needs of our member agencies.
How to Get Started w/CalWARN Mutual Assistance Program
1. Review this Web portal. 2. Review the Articles of Agreement that have been posted here. 3. Contact your CalWARN Regional Representative with any questions. 4. Fill out the Signature Page and have the appropriate authority from your utility sign it. 5. Fill out the Emergency Contact Form. 6. Scan and click here to email the Signature Page and Contact Form to the CalWARN Steering Committee Chair.
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CalWARN Mutual Assistance Program · If you would like to join the CalWARN Mutual Assistance Program, simply follow the step-by-step instructions on the right panel of this dashboard to get started. >>> · If you are already a Member of the CalWARN Mutual Assistance Program, please encourage non-participating agencies in your area to join the program. To learn how you can help, contact your state or regional Steering Committee Member.
This CalWARN.2 Dashboard as well as related communications and resource tools are available through membership in the Alliance for Community Solutions, a non-profit association that provides local communities with high-tech, sustainable solutions and proven practices that promote emergency preparedness and community resiliency.
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The technologies available in this dashboard are provided to participating government, public sector, public service, public safety and non-profit organization through The Alliance for Community Solutions (ACS). To find out more about i-INFO Solutions or the other communities, click here. |